Sunday, 31 May 2020

Sanskrit: the true adornment of man

केयूराः न विभूषयन्ति पुरुषं हारा नचन्द्रोज्ज्वला:।
न स्नानं न विलेपनं न कुसुमं नालङ्कृता मूर्धजा:॥
वाण्येका समलङ्करोति पुरुषं या संस्कृता धार्यते।
क्षीयन्ते खलु भूषणानि सततं वाग्भूषणं भूषणम्॥

न विभूषयन्ति - do not adorn
केयूराः हाराः चन्द्रोज्ज्वलाः - Golden armlets and resplendent necklaces that match the moon in lustre
न स्नानं न विलेपनं न कुसुमं - neither baths nor fragrances nor bedecking with flowers 
नालङ्कृता मूर्धजा - nor foreheads decorated with prominent marks 
वाणी एका या संस्कृता धार्यते - his speech alone, that is distinguished as refined and cultured 
समलङ्करोति पुरुषं - adorns well the man
भूषणानि क्षीयन्ते खलु - all ornaments wear off in time, indeed, 
वाग्भूषणं भूषणम् - (So let man choose it) the true adornment of man is his cultured tongue. 

Saturday, 30 May 2020

God's assurance

In today's reading of the Valmiki Ramayana, we came across this shloka:
सकृदेव प्रपन्नाय तवास्मीति च याचते।
अभयं सर्वभूतेभ्यः ददाम्येतत् व्रतं मम ॥६.१८.३३॥
When Sugriva cautions Rama against a ready acceptance of Vibhishana's request for refuge, Rama first asks everyone for an opinion, and only Hanuman suggests that Vibhishana cannot be spurned or tested in the circumstances and he should first be given refuge and also Hanuman says yhat in any case Rama is too powerful to come to any harm.

Rama appreciates what Hanuman says and utters these words in this shloka:
एतत् व्रतं मम - This is my avowed practice that
सकृदेव - if even once,
तव अस्मि इति - "I surrender to you" -thus saying,
प्रपन्नाय याचते च - one comes seeking refuge and with a plea for protection,
सर्वभूतेभ्यः - from the entire world of beings,
अभयं ददामि - I shall give protection and remove his fear.

This very idea is reflected in the name name #455 in Vishnu Sahasranama - सुव्रतः. In fact the Lord says in Bhagavadgita ch. 9 that even a sinner, by turning to the Lord, quickly redeems himself.