Saturday, 28 October 2017
October 28, 2017 : The Heroic Jatayu
|| śrīmadvālmīkirāmāyaṇam ||
sā hṛtā rākṣasendreṇa rāvaṇena durātmanā
māyām āsthāya vipulāṃ vātadurdinasaṅkulām || 3.68.9 ||
pariklāntasya me tāta pakṣau chittvā niśācaraḥ
sītām ādāya vaidehīṃ prayāto dakṣiṇā mukhaḥ || 3.68.10 ||
uparudhyanti me prāṇā dṛṣṭir bhramati rāghava
paśyāmi vṛkṣān sauvarṇan uśīrakṛtamūrdhajān || 3.68.11 ||
yena yāti muhūrtena sītām ādāya rāvaṇaḥ
vipranaṣṭaṃ dhanaṃ kṣipraṃ tat svāmi pratipadyate ||3.68.12||
vindo nāma muhūrto asau sa ca kākutstha na abudhat
tvat priyām jānakīṃ hṛtvā rāvaṇo rākṣaseśvara
jhaṣavat baḍiṣāṃ gṛhya kṣipraṃ eva vinaśyati ||3.68.13 ||
na ca tvayā vyathā kāryā janakasya sutāṃ prati
vaidehyā ramsase kṣipraṃ hatvā taṃ raṇamurdhani ||3.68.14 ||
Re-ordered word by word meaning
Jatayu spoke thus to Rama:
āsthāya māyām vipulāṃ vātadurdinasaṅkulām - She was abducted by the king of demons, Ravana, the evil-souled one, by resorting to magic and creating the illusion of heavy, dark, stormy, and cloudy skies (thereby disrupting the powers of the eagle king Jatayu).
tāta niśācaraḥ chittvā me pakṣau pariklāntasya
sītām ādāya vaidehīṃ prayāto dakṣiṇā mukhaḥ - Oh Rama, that demon, after cutting off my wings as I was exhausted, taking Sita, flew towards the southern direction.
rāghava me prāṇāḥ uparudhyanti dṛṣṭir bhramati
paśyāmi sauvarṇan uśīrakṛtamūrdhajānvṛkṣān - Oh Raghava, my airs (=breath) are stifled and dying, my eyes are disoriented, I see (hallucinations of) trees which are golden and topped with Usheera fragrant grass !
yena muhūrtena rāvaṇaḥ yāti ādāya sītām - by virtue of the time=muhurta when Ravana went, taking Sita,
vipranaṣṭaṃ dhanaṃ kṣipraṃ tat svāmi pratipadyate - (it is so destined that) any good man who has utterly and totally suffered a loss of fortunem even he, will quickly regain it!
kākutstha muhūrto vindaḥ nāma ca sa na abudhat asau - Oh Scion of the Kakutstha dynasty, this muhurta is called Vinda, and he, Ravana, did not comprehend it.
hṛtvā tvat priyām jānakīṃ rāvaṇaḥ rākṣaseśvaraḥ - Having abducted your wife/consort Janaki, Ravana, that king of demons,
eva jhaṣavat gṛhya baḍiṣāṃ kṣipraṃ vinaśyati - like a fish that has swallowed the bait, shall soon perish.
ca tvayā na vyathā kāryā janakasya sutāṃ prati - Therefore there need be by you no lamentation or sorrow towards Janaka's daughter.
kṣipraṃ hatvā taṃ raṇamurdhani - soon, after killing him in a prime battle,
vaidehyā ramsase - you shall be united in joy with your beloved, Vaidehi.
Jatayu is the epitome of righteousness and civic duty. He dies giving hope and solace to Rama, and assuring him that he will be soon reunited with Sita.
And the poet shows how Jatayu was more enlightened than Ravana, also a scholar in many ways.
The story of Ramayana is replete with epic moments, and even more so, epic characters. How blessed are we!
Friday, 27 October 2017
October 27, 2017: Surabharati Suramya - Gabriella Burnel
surabhāratī suramyā
(sung by Gabriella Burnel)
surabhāratī suramyā
surabhāratī suramyā
iha nirupamā kavīndrāḥ
devopamā munīndrāḥ
surabhāratī suramyā
yo bhāratasya mahimā
bhuvi garjatīha garīmā
surabhāratī suramyā
suhitāya sevanīyā
surabhāratī suramyā
śruti sūkta rucira mālā - (This glorious language Samskrita) is a beautiful garland of delightful sounds of the Vedas,
śata śāstra sūtra mūlā - the source code of hundreds of scriptures and mystical sutras,
ṛṣi varya cintanīyā - the object of great rishis' meditations,
surabhāratī suramyā - Samskrita is the divine language of Bhaarata, so enchanting!
śrī rāma kṛṣṇa līlā - The pastimes and stories of Sri Rama and Krishna,
jana hṛdaya haraṇa śīlā - nobly steal the hearts of all mankind,
iha puṣpitā ati divyā - they have blossomed here, in this land of Samskrita, as a divine phenomenon.
surabhāratī suramyā - Samskrita is the divine language of Bhaarata, so enchanting!
iha nirupamāḥ kavīndrāḥ - Here, (in this land of Samskrita) are incomparable kings of poetry and literature,
munīndrāḥ devopamāḥ - Great sages comparable to gods,
trailokya vandanīyāḥ - those who are to be extolled in the 3 worlds,
surabhāratī suramyā- Samskrita is the divine language of Bhaarata, so enchanting!
yaḥ garjati bhuvi - the one who proclaims with a roar to the world,
bhāratasya mahimā - the magnificence of this land Bhaarata,
īha garīmā - its divine glory,
tajjanmadā ati puṇyā - his mother is indeed blessed,
surabhāratī suramyā - Samskrita is the divine language of Bhaarata, so enchanting!
iyam amita suguṇa dhanyā - this language Samskrita (and so its land Bhaarata) is limitlessly full of virtues, and indeed blessed,
iyam mānyā akhila vibudha - she is respected by all enlightened people,
sevanīyā suhitāya - to be served with devotion by any well-intentioned aspirant,
surabhāratī suramyā - Samskrita is the divine language of Bhaarata, so enchanting!
I am grateful to Prince Rama Varma, the famous musician and teacher, for sharing the link to this video. The lady seems to exemplify the values enshrined in this song, as a tribute to the beauty of our language, Samskrita, handed down by the gods for our upliftment.
Hari Om!
Thursday, 26 October 2017
October 26, 2017: Mother and Motherland
śrīmad vālmīki rāmāyaṇam - yuddhakāṇḍam
paṅkadigdhastu bharato jatilastvāṃ pratīkṣate |
pāduke te puraskṛtya sarvaṃ ca kuśalaṃ gṛhe || 7.124.4 ||
mitrāṇi dhanadhānyāni prajānāṃ sammatānīha |
jananī janmabhūmiśca svargādapi garīyasi || 6.124.17 ||
Re-ordered word-by-word meaning
tu - However,
bharataḥ - (That) Bharata,
paṅkadigdhaḥ - covered all over with mud slush (as he lived in a hole in the ground as a penance during Rama's banishment)
jatilaḥ - with matted locks,
puraskṛtya te pāduke - worshipping on the throne your padukas (wooden sandals as a symbol of your gracious presence),
pratīkṣate tvāṃ - eagerly awaits you.
sarvaṃ ca kuśalaṃ gṛhe - And all is well at your home.
iha - In this world,
sammatāni - are valued
prajānāṃ - by the people (these things):
mitrāṇi - friends and kinsfolk,
dhanadhānyāni - wealth and material abundance.
jananī ca - After all, one's mother, and
janmabhūmiḥ - one's motherland,
garīyasi svargādapi - excels in greatness even Heaven.
These famous shlokas are uttered by the great sage Bharadwaja whom Rama meets enroute from Lanka in Pushpaka Vimana for blessings. Bharadwaja says how by his mystic power he was aware of all the happenings in Rama's forest exile including Sita's abduction, the alliance with the monkey-chief, the building of the bridge over the sea by Nala, the great battle and the slaying of Ravana with his entire clan.
Then he states these words, in the context of the imminent return of Rama to his kingdom.
The concept of patriotism is intrinsic to our culture, and explained so well in the original epic, Ramayana.
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
October 25, 2017: Prahlada
śrīmad bhāgavatam - prahlāda 7.5.11
prahlāda uvāca
svaḥ paraścetyasadgrāhaḥ puṃsāṃ yanmāyayā kṛtaḥ |
vimohitadhiyāṃ dṛṣṭastasmai bhagavate namaḥ ||
Re-ordered word-by-word meaning
prahlāda uvāca - Prahlada said:
namaḥ tasmai bhagavate - Obeisances to that God
yanmāyayā kṛtaḥ - By whose Maya it so happens that
puṃsāṃ vimohitadhiyāṃ - men's minds are deluded such that
svaḥ paraḥ ca - "These people are ours/our well-wishers, and those other people are our antagonists/ill-wishers"
iti asadgrāhaḥ dṛṣṭaḥ - this false distinction is seen wrongly.
Srimad Bhagavatam is called the greatest devotional scripture, telling the holy stories of the Lord and His devotees. Prahlada is the examplar of a true devotee, blessed at birth by Narada Muni to have true understanding and devotion. When his father ridicules his understanding of truth, and calls Vishnu his sworn enemy, he replies thus.
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
October 24, 2017: Saroruhanabha
Composition of Maharaja Swati Tirunal
nītihatāhita pālaya mām- śuddhalalitā
nītihatāhita pālaya mām saroruhanābha
ghanābha madebhagate
dhrtaveda manojñatan0 krpayāva mām suhasa
pāta pāṇḍavayoṣha pāpajālahara
cāruphāla navahemaceladhara gopabāla jaya
rāghava mām pālaya ripujita madana
suguṇasadana vimalaradana dayārṇava
rīṇapāpa bahughoratāpahara bhūmijāpa sura pālaka parama
Re-ordered word-by-word meaning
nītihatāhita -One who is the enemy of those who break the code of ethics,
pālaya mām saroruhanābha - protect me, oh the One with the lotus in the navel,
ghanābha - with the hue of a rain cloud,
madebhagate - with the gait of an elephant in rut,
dhṛtaveda - who carried the Vedas (Matsyāvatāra)
manojñatano - with an attractive form,
kṛpayā ava mām suhasa - kindly protect me, Oh one with a smiling face,
pāta pāṇḍava yosha - the one who saved the wife of the Pandavas,
pāpajāla hara - the one who dispels the maze/cage of sins,
cāruphāla - with a beautiful forehead,
nava hema cela dhara- wearing a lovely golden garb,
gopabāla jaya - Oh Cowherd boy, glory to you!
rāghava mām pālaya - Oh Rama, please take care of me,
ripujita - conquerer of enemies,
madana - lovely like Manmatha,
suguṇa sadana - the storehouse of virtues,
vimala radana - with spotless teeth,
dayārṇava - the ocean of mercy,
rīṇa pāpa - the remover of sins,
bahu ghora tāpa hara - the remover of very terrible sufferings,
bhūmijāpa - worshipped by Mother Earth (refers to Varāhāvatāra)
sura pālaka -protector of the gods,
parama - Oh Supreme One!
Monday, 16 October 2017
October 15, 16, 2017: I simply give up
I am also taking a week-long break for Deepaavali.
Happy Deepaavali, the festival of light, delight, and celebrations!
Saturday, 14 October 2017
October 14, 2017: Adhanarishwarastotram - continued
ardhanārīśvarastotram - continued
nedaṃ parṇasamīraṇāśanatapomāhātmyamakṣoragau
paśyaitāvata eva samprati kṛtau
tanmātravṛttī bahiḥ
premṇaivardhamidaṃ carācraguroḥ
prāpteyamātmastutī ritthaṃ
devavadhūmukhacchrutisukhāḥ śṛṇvatyaparṇāvatāt ||5 ||
Re-ordered word-by-word meaning
nedaṃ parṇasamīraṇāśanatapomāhātmyam - "This is not merely the power of (my) severe penance of living on leaves and air as food, alone,
akṣoragau paśyaitāvata eva samprati kṛtau
tanmātravṛttī bahiḥ - Nor is it that the two coiled mighty serpents are an external manifestation of the five senses (under my control as Prakriti),
premṇaivardhamidaṃ carācaraguroḥ - but this is the union of the moving and immovable (like body and soul) as a result of the infinite love",
itthaṃ prāpteyamātmastutīḥ - thus are we vouchsafed the self-expression of prayer
śṛṇvatyaparṇāvatāt - as we hear them from Parvati, called Aparna!
devavadhūmukhacchrutisukhāḥ - Oh the joys! Thus uttered are the prayerful expressions of God's bride herself!
Friday, 13 October 2017
October 13, 2017: Ardhanarishwarastotram - continued
ardhanārīśvarastotram - continued
vihitamajagośṛṅgāgrābhyāṃ dhanurghaṭitam tathā
narakaraṭinordehārdhābhyāṃ gaṇaṃ pratigṛhṇataḥ
vāllabhyānāṃ nodherucitā vibhorjayati
laṭabhāpumbhāgābhyām śarīravinirmitiḥ || 4 ||
Re-ordered word-by-word meaning
vihitamajagośṛṅgāgrābhyāṃ dhanurghaṭitam - As You are described, Your bow is made up of the horns of goats and cows,
tathā - then,
narakaraṭinordehārdhābhyāṃ gaṇaṃ pratigṛhṇataḥ - Your creation of a half man-half elephant being was accepted as your attendants' chief (=Ganesha),
dvividharacanā - this two-fold design
vāllabhyānāṃ nidherucitā vibhoḥ - of Your spouse being built into your form, Oh Shiva!
laṭabhāpumbhāgābhyām śarīravinirmitiḥ - Glory be to the beauteous woman-cum-man half-n-half body's wonderful creation!
Thursday, 12 October 2017
October 12, 2017: Ardhanarishwara Stotram - continued
ardhanārīśvarastortaṃ continued
muñcebhājinamasya kumbhakuhare muktāḥ kucāgrōcitaḥ
kiṃbhājajjvalanena kajjalamataḥ kāryaṃ tavākshṇoḥ kṛte
sandhāne vapurardhayorbhagavatoritthaṃ niṣedhe'pyaheheḥ
kartavye priyayottarānusaraṇdyukto haraḥ pātu vaḥ ||3 ||
Re-ordered word-by-word meaning
muñcebhājinam asya - to Kama, the one who colluded to cheat You,
kumbhakuhare muktāḥ kucāgrōcitaḥ - by tempting You by the alluring sight of Parvati (?),
kiṃ bhājajjvalanena kajjalamataḥ kāryaṃ tavākshṇoḥ kṛte -
with the Third Eye of fire, you reduced him to ashes, but later by your kind gaze, you put out the fire and resurrected him (?)
itthaṃ sandhāne ardhayoḥ bhagavataḥ vapuḥ niṣedhe api eheḥ - Thus, by encountering/envisioning your unique Ardha Nari form, (one half destruction and the other grace)??
kartavye priyayā uttarānusaraṇāt
yuktaḥ haraḥ pātu vaḥ - as His nature, by following the merciful Devi, Shiva may redeem you all.
This is a tough shloka and I am not sure of my translations.
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
October 11, 2017: Ardhanarishwara, continued
ardhanārīśvarastotram - continued
vāme sāñjanamakṣi dakṣiṇadiśi
śyāmāyamāno galaḥ
pāṇau tiṣṭhati darpaṇo'tra
mukuṭe'mutra sthitaścandramāḥ |
tanmāteyamayaṃ piteti sucirāt-
sapratyabhijñaṃ śanai
bhavatu vaḥ
prītyai sa gaurīśvaraḥ || 2 ||
Re-ordered word-by-word meaning
vāme sā añjanamakṣi - On the left, she has applied collorium to her eyes,
dakṣiṇadiśi śyāmāyamāno galaḥ - the right side of the neck is bluish dark in colour,
pāṇau tiṣṭhati darpaṇo'tra - here (on the left) in her hand is held a mirror,
mukuṭe amutra sthitaścandramāḥ - in the crown on that right side is poised the moon,
tat mātā ayam ayaṃ pitā iti - that this side is the mother, and that side is the father, thus,
sucirāt sapratyabhijñaṃ śanaiḥ - after considerable time, as the recognition dawns slowly,
yasya utsaṅgamagāt guhaḥ - by whose union of two forms a mystery is presented,
saḥ gaurīśvaraḥ - that Gauri-Ishwara (=Ardhanarishwara)
bhavatu prītyai vaḥ -may He shower his affection/grace upon you all!
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
October 10, 2017: Ardhanarisvara Stotram by Kalhana
Dear all,
I am back after a great tour of Sri Lanka, in the company of some very good musicians and a historian. You can see some of my photos here:
Now for the resumption of my Samskrita lessons. I have been requested by a very good scholar-friend to take this up. I will take up the Ardhanarisvarastotram composed by the 12th century Kashmiri poet Kalhana, whose work Rajatarangini is a great resource for historians to study Kashmir's cultural history.
This is a tough set of shlokas, I will take up one or two stanzas per day.
|| kāśmīrakamahākaviśrīkahlaṇakṛtam
ardhanārīśvarastōtram ||
bhālaṃ vahniśikhāṅkitaṃ dadhadadhiśrotraṃ vahansaṃbhṛtakrīḍatkuṇḍalijṛṃbhitaṃ jaladhijacchāyācchakaṇṭhacchaviḥ |
vakṣo bibhradahīnakañcukacitaṃ baddhāṅganārdhasya vo bhāgaḥ puṅgavalakṣmaṇostu
yaśase vāmō'thavā dakṣiṇaḥ || 1||
Re-ordered word-by-word meaning
(Oh Shiva, the personification of glory!)
vahan - as You carry the following
vahniśikhāṅkitaṃ bhālaṃ - With Your forehead adorned with a flaming torch (Third Eye),
dadhadadhiśrotraṃ - with the oceanic cascade of Ganga,
saṃbhṛtakrīḍatkuṇḍalijṛṃbhitaṃ - with Your ear ornaments resplendent as they oscillate,
jaladhijacchāyācchakaṇṭhacchaviḥ -with Your neck shadowed by the light from the crescent moon on Your crest (born of the ocean during the churning)
bibhradahīnakañcukacitaṃ vakṣaḥ - Your chest covered in sacred ash,
baddhāṅganārdhasya - bound with Parvati, your other half;
vāmō'thavā dakṣiṇaḥ bhāgaḥ - on either Your left half or right,
vaḥ puṅgavalakṣmaṇostu yaśase - may each of those emblems and descriptions of Shiva be auspicious for us!
Phew. Tough one.
Next shloka tomorrow.
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